Image collection
The collection of photographs, negatives and slides shows a wide variety of subjects. There are photos to be found of the Moluccas in the colonial era and from the military and political history of Indonesia around the Second World War and the decolonization period. Thereafter, there are photos of the Moluccans during their arrivals in the Netherlands in 1951 and photos of their first arrivals in the camps. These ‘camps photos’ cover a large part of the collection, however there can also be found photos of the following decades and photos of the present time. Concerning the Moluccans themselves, there are a number of photo series available from the ‘80s, ‘90s and ’95, with subjects as: family life, everyday life in cities and villages, travel and nature. The consequences of the civil war of 1999 are also shown. On the other hand, there are also updated recordings available concerning the activities of the Moluccans in the Netherlands and in the Moluccas. The collection continues to extend through loans, gifts and private reports.
There are certain conditions applicable when using or publicizing images from this collection.
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